A Usual Sunday…
We’d hate to think that any of our Sunday services are ‘usual’, but really we are talking about all of our Sundays.
We start at 10.30am and currently finish around 12.00pm. We aim in our worship to focus on God and to be responsive to whatever we sense the Holy Spirit is doing. There is a time for teaching and/or preaching, often after this there is room for some kind of response to the message.
Once the service is over, drinks and other refreshments are available, and it is a nice time to make new friends and catch up with old friends too.

Come Prepared
The Bible talks about, when we come together as a Church family, we should aim to have something to share – maybe just reading a verse from the Bible, or a prayer, or a testimony about what God is doing in our lives.
It’s not that everyone has to bring a particular contribution every time, but we do hope to be a group of people who are participators, and not just spectators. Although we aim for good quality music in our worship and good quality speaking in our messages about the Gospel, we do not want our meetings to be entertainment. We want to meet with God, and with each other, for real.