Mauricio looks at Romans 8 and examines how understanding our identity as God’s children helps us to better see God and relate to Him as our loving heavenly Father.

Core Values #2 Readiness to Serve
Core Values of Gateway Freedom Church #2 Readiness to Serve.

Prayer Series – Unanswered Prayer
Mauricio looks at another instalment of our Prayer Series. This time we will explore a somewhat difficult reality to handle when it comes to prayer. What do we do when God remains silent and our...

He Lives!
On this Easter Sunday, Mauricio explores some of the things Jesus accomplished at His resurrection and what those things can mean for us today.

From the Cross to the Grave
The cross is central to God’s redemptive work and what Jesus accomplished with His death has tremendous effect today.

Deep Dive
Water baptism and the Lord’s Table are two sacraments given to the church and still practiced today, but what’s the connection between the two?

Water Baptism: Before & After
Baptism is the public celebration of a believer’s decision to follow Jesus but what should life look like after it?

Small Groups
Meeting in homes like the book of Acts, and looking at the 4 essential elements of every house church

Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Looking at the fulfilment of God’s promise (Matthew 3: 11), with key passages from the book of Acts

Water Baptism
Exploring the meaning of this fundamental step in the Christian faith (2 Corinthians 5: 17 / Mark 16: 16 / Colossians 12: 13)