Be Uncool
Brian looks at what Paul says in Romans about not letting the world squeeze us into its mould. He invites us to consider what some of Jesus’ teachings might show us about the differences between...

What’s Going On?
Brian looks at what the Bible says about Jesus’ Second Coming and focuses on some practical, down to earth challenges and lessons we can extract, without necessarily us all having a shared understanding or agreement...

What Kind Of Christian Do You Want To Be?
A devotional through the whole of Hebrews chapter 12. Click here to download the final slide for reference >

Grow Up
Key points on how to mature in the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 5: 11-14; 6: 1-3)

Who do you think you are?
Where is your identity? (Matthew 3: 16-17 / Galatians 3: 26-29 / 1 John 3: 1-2)

5 observations on devoting yourself to Kingdom life (Acts 2: 42-47)

In the Mirror
God’s truth about you, and whether it matches up with your own view (James 1: 22-24)

The Toronto Blessing
Personal reflections, testimonies, and experiences from the outpouring in Canada.